Project Experiences

Disclaimer statement – Following a list of projects list the experiences of OMS staff while they were in OMS and/or before joining OMS. They DO NOT all represent the experience of projects undertaken by OMS as a company.

Singapore Refining Company, Singapore

Tanks Quality Tracking Systems for Kero, Diesel and Gasoline Systems

Windows 2000, SQL Server 2000, TDC-3000
Singapore Refining Company, Singapore

Gasoline Blending Technical and Economical Feasibility Study

Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore

Naphtha Blending Study

Ecopetrol, Cartagena Refinery, Columbia

Regulatory Blending, Offline On-line Blending for Gasoline, Diesel and Fuel oils, Tanks farm management system, Crude Blending

ABB Advant, Enraf , NT
Ecopetrol, Barrancabermeja Refinery, Columbia

Regulatory Blending, Offline On-line Blending for Gasoline, Diesel and Fuel oils, Tanks farm management system, Crude Blending

ABB Advant, Enraf , NT
HPCL, Visakhapatnam Refinery, India

Regulatory Blending, On-line Blending, Off-line Blending & Oil Movement

ABB Advant, Enraf , NT
Indian Oil Corporation Panipat Refinery, India

Regulatory Blending, On-line Blending

ABB Advant, Enraf , NT
Chemopetrol Litvinov , Czechoslovakia

Regulatory Blending, On-line Blending, & Off-line Blending

ABB Advant, Enraf , NT