Fuels Blending Systems

Typically 70-80% of one barrel of crude oil produces fuels such as gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, Kerosene, LPG etc. Fuels products are produced by blending 10-12 products with different properties. This affects the bottom-line to produce the fuels in efficient and economical manners.
oil refinery Blend Optimizers

Multi-periods, Multi-blends Non-linear Offline Blend Optimizer

The planning of refinery blend products and the subsequent optimal control of the blending process has a significant immediate impact on refinery profitability and excess inventory. gomsPOFBlend™ off-line blending planning package considers production planning, inventory management, and the quality and value of blending components to optimize blending operations.

Non-linear Offline Blend Optimizer

Excel Based Single-period, Single-blend Non-linear Offline Blend Optimizer

The planning of refinery blend products and the subsequent optimal control of the blending process has a significant immediate impact on refinery profitability and excess inventory. gomsPOFBlend™ off-line blending planning package considers production planning, inventory management, and the quality and value of blending components to optimize blending operations.

Online Blend Control and Optimization & Control System

Online Blend Control and Optimizer

The planning of refinery blend products and the subsequent optimal control of the blending process has a significant immediate impact on refinery profitability and excess inventory. gomsPOFBlend™ off-line blending planning package considers production planning, inventory management, and the quality and value of blending components to optimize blending operations.

Regulatory Blend Control and Optimisation System

Regulatory Blend Control

The planning of refinery blend products and the subsequent optimal control of the blending process has a significant immediate impact on refinery profitability and excess inventory. gomsPOFBlend™ off-line blending planning package considers production planning, inventory management, and the quality and value of blending components to optimize blending operations.