OMS Webinar W1-W10 Slides Manual

Global OMS Webinars W01-W10 Slides Manual

All of OMS webinar slides have been compiled into a manual and is available for purchase and download here.  You can also purchase and download individual webinar recording and slides. The purchase and download of this  manual also include the followings:

  1. 400+ pages PDF file of the webinar manual for saving on your PC and screen viewing only as it can not be printed
  2. You can download 2 times in 30 days period
  3. 30 days support for any questions on the contents
  4. Discounts on future purchase and download of webinar slides

All of the slides presented in the following online webinar sessions are includes in the compilation.

  1. OMS-W01 How to benchmark the state of refinery’s Fuels Blending System
  2. OMS-W02 Hydrocarbon Management in the Refining Industry
  3. OMS-W03 Strategic Management and Automation of Refinery Offsite Operations
  4. OMS-W04 Models based predictions of tank qualities reduce lab operational cost
  5. OMS-W05 Strategic Fuels Blending Management and Technology
  6. OMS-W06 Design of Fuels Blend Header
  7. OMS-W07 How to identify and reconcile fuels blending errors
  8. OMS-W08 Applications of linear and Non-linear Programming in the Refining Industry
  9. OMS-W09 Tanks Farm Management
  10. OMS-W10  The Management and Automation of Oil Movement and Storage in a Refinery

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